cogon grass number of organism

Gainesville, Florida, USA. Chemical control of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Chase. Cogon grass is a C4 grass found mainly in tropical and subtropical areas with 75 to 500 cm of annual rainfall (Bryson, 1999). It has been found at latitiudes from 45°N (Japan) to 45°S (New Zealand), and from sea level to over 2,000 m elevation (Holm et al., 1977). They are decocted and used to treat urinary tract infections, fevers, thirst etc. However, overlapping variability often occurs in this character, and Hall (1998) has suggested the possibility that the two species may be the same. A third species, Imperata brevifolia Vasey, occurs in the western United States (Gabel, 1982). Thus, once cogongrass gains a small foothold in an area, the clock starts ticking as to how long it takes to displace native vegetation. Write your answer in your notebook.VIRII RIRV = I x RI) =VRRYPIVOT 4A CALAI32​, theory that can explain the occurrence of the earthquake ​, with the use of the picture below, explain how population of organism have changed and continue to change over time showing patterns of descent with m cogon grass, cogongrass (US), satintail, cotton wool grass, silver spike (southern Africa), speargrass (Nigeria), blady grass … CABI Publishing, Kuala Lumpur,     Malaysia. The hot water solubility of I. cylindrica is quite similar with switch grass, but lower than C.tataria, elephant grass and Palmyra palm fruit as seen in Table-1. 7) has been considered the most important insect pest of I. cylindrica due to its host specificity (Mangoendihardjo, 1980; Soenarjo, 1986). Hall, D. W. 1998. (Pteromalidae), Euplemes sp. Imperata cylindrica is the most morphologically variable species in the genus Imperata (Gabel, 1982). Fungal Databases. This red-colored ornamental cultivar can revert to the green form, which is the invasive variety (Greenlee, 1992; Dozier et al., 1998; Hall, 1998; C. Bryson, pers. Systematic Botany and Mycology     Laboratory. Cogon grass infestations damage crops through competition, causing suppressed growth, reduced yields, and delayed harvests. The descriptions of the genus (Imperata Cirillo. Tawfik, M. F. S., K. T. Awadullah, and F. F. Shalaby. The energy transformation in photosynthesis is from light energy toChernice energy.4. While cogon grass is tolerant of wide variations in soil fertility, organic matter, and moisture, it grows best in relatively acidic soils (pH 4.7) (Hubbard et al., 1944; Wilcut et al., 1988a). O. javanica was studied on corn, sorghum, five species of rice, and two other grasses, and found to be specific to I. cylindrica (Mangoendihardjo, 1980). It grows in coastland, disturbed areas, natural forest, Weed management through biological control in Indonesia,     pp. However, gall midges are notoriously parasitized by generalist parasitoids after introduction, severely limiting their effectiveness (B. Blossey, pers. Ito. Distribution and control of cogongrass (Imperata     cylindrica) in Mississippi. Insects associated with ‘lalang’ (Imperata cylindrica) and possibilities of its biological     control. International     Rice Research Newsletter 11(5): 22-23. The Families of the Monocotyledons; Structure,     Evolution, and Taxonomy. and Cyperus rotundus L. II: effect of shade. Infestation by O. javanica also may vector various pathogens. Hubbard, C. E., R. O. Whyte, D. Brown, and A. P. Gray. SSS-227. 1975. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. 1812) occurred in 1792 and 1812, respectively. The effects of soil flooding on the establishment of cogongrass     (Imperata cylindrica), a nonindigenous invader of the southeastern United States (abstract). Sugar and Sweetener Situation and Outlook Report. Grass Genera of the World: Descriptions, Illustrations,     Identification and Information Retrieval; including Synonyms, Morphology, Anatomy, Physiology,     Phytochemistry, Cytology, Classification, Pathogens, World and Local Distribution, and References. 53-54. 2001. What type of organism is the grass? Fact Sheet 1999-01. M. S. thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,     North Carolina, USA. 1998. 200. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 1995. state -2 nation -government -so Differences in the areas of origin of the various introductions of I. cylindrica var. Silica bodies in the leaves, razor-like leaf margins, relatively low yields, and very low nutritive and energy values make cogon grass a poor forage (Coile and Shilling, 1993; Colvin et al., 1993). Hitchcock, A. S., and A. (Eupelimidae), and Tetrastichus sp. Alang-alang gall midge potential as an alternate host for parasitoids. 1951. Tropical Grassy Weeds. I want to use Chou,Matches:1897,WinRate:89.5%. Pl. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to visualize the surface morphology of the cogon grass fibre. Muhl. Cogongrass control requires integrated approach (Florida). Charudattan, R. 1997. Seed heads range from 2 to 8 inches in length a… 1988a. comm. It can take several years to eradicate a single patch of cogongrass as there are no silver bullets or magic tank-mixes that result in 100% kill after only one application of herbicide. Ayeni, A. O. and W. B. Duke. Answered Cogon grass has number of organism? Cogongrass first appeared in the area around Grand Bay, Alabama as an escape from … Cogon grass is also Factors limiting the distribution of     Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica, and Torpedograss, Panicum repens. While comparatively few native species are closely related to I. cylindrica, several notable non-native species should be mentioned. Lastly, the most commonly practiced method of biological control of I. cylindrica in southeast Asia is the use of competitive vegetation (Soerjani, 1970). The chlorophy is stored in the compte2. 1999. Syed, R. A. (Center et al., 1995). Other invertebrates from outside of the United States that may be host specific and damaging to cogon grass include the nematode Heterodera sinensis Chen, Zheng, and Peng (Chen et al., 1996), the mite Aceria imperata (Zaher and Abou-Awad) (Zaher and Abou-Awad, 1978), and two unidentified dipteran stem borers (Mangoendihardjo, 1980). : a good grass gone     bad! Allelopathy in a mixture of Cogon (Imperata cylindrica) and     Stylosanthes guyanensis. santintail. Secondly, DNA fingerprinting (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) should be used to identify the native range of U.S. cogon grass varieties. Results obtained indicate that the holocellulose (64.93%) content is comparable with other published non-woods and the lignin (5.67%) content is favourably the lowest. Pp. ... a κ number of 17 and a viscosity of about 900 cm3/g. A. Camus, Japanese stilt grass, is an invasive, exotic grass currently established in sixteen eastern states (Swearington, 1997). Evans, H. C. 1991. 2000a. Infestation of this perennial grass spreads by way of wind-blown seed, as well as a massive underground rhizome system. Weed Science Society of Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia. Bulletin of the     Entomological Society of Egypt 61: 257-266. Sexually produced seeds are capable of long distance dispersal, ranging from an average of 15 m (Holm et al., 1977) to 100 m (Shilling et al., 1997). Biology and Ecology of Key Natural Enemies. Cogon grass was introduced to the United States both accidentally and intentionally. Log in. are estimated to be infested in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi (Dickens, 1974; Schmitz and Brown, 1994). The influence of growth stage and mowing on competition     between Paspalum notatum and Imperata cylindrica. 1999. Fertile, intergeneric hybrids have been procured by crossing species of Imperata with those of Saccharum (Gabel, 1982; Watson and Dallwitz, 1992). 7 In the Philippines, grasses were also reported to be the most predominant pollen grains in the atmosphere with perennial pollination. 1990., (accessed August 1999). Campbell, C. S. 1985. Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, Jakarta,     Indonesia. Analysis of Related Native Plants in the Eastern United States. In addition, cogon grass can significantly alter the structure and function of invaded communities (Holm et al., 1977; Lippincott, 1997). The gall midge O. javanica needs to be evaluated for potential introduction into the United States. Weed Science 28: 505-509. Weed Research 10:     87-93. 6 In Europe, America, and Australia up to 70% of patients with type I allergy display IgE reactivity to grass pollen allergens. Invasive Plants, Weeds of the Global Garden. Introduction of this midge to infested areas outside of southeast Asia was recommended as early as 1975 (Mangoendihardjo, 1975), but no introductions were ever made. This study adds observational detail to growth of cogon grass rhizomes and provides for a mechanism by which cogon grass is able to perforate other species of plants. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. 1994. Dickens, R. 1974. Flowering has been observed throughout the year in most of Florida. Kew Bulletin     27: 457-474. Considerable scope exists for additional field surveys, given that I. cylindrica is distributed worldwide, has five major geographical varieties, and an undetermined center of origin. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, USA. pp. in Java, pp. Impacts on non-target species from herbicide application are often severe, creating disturbances that allow for the re-invasion by cogon grass or secondary invasion by other weedy species (Gaffney and Shilling, 1996). In Indonesia, the highest degree of gall-midge infestation on I. cylindrica was observed from 250 to 300 m. Females can produce from 200 to 560 eggs, which hatch two to three days after being laid and have a 98% viability rate (Soerjani, 1970; Mangoendihardjo, 1975). Chase). The exact center of origin of I. cylindrica is in doubt, but is believed to be East Africa (Evans, 1987, 1991). The initial tillage should begin in the spring (March through May) with an implement that inverts the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. Locations of potential interest would include Southeast Asia, from which the common form major is believed to have come; East Africa, believed to be the center of origin; and the Mediterranean, where the plant is not a serious weed problem. The larva enters I. cylindrica between the lower leaf sheaths to penetrate the shoot apical meristem, where it forms a cell in which it develops and pupates (Soerjani, 1970). HABITAT: Cogongrass is a hardy species, tolerant of shade, high salinity, moisture and drought. Shilling, D. G. and J. F. Gaffney. It is established at some locations in Louisiana, South Carolina (Allen et al., 1991; Bryson and Carter, 1993), southern Georgia (Byrd and Bryson, 1999; Coile, pers. 1999. Soenarjo, E. 1986. Problems with cogon grass often have arisen on lands cleared of natural forest, which are then quickly colonized by cogon grass before cultivation, during plantation establishment and growth, or soon after the abandonment of land used for short-duration shifting agriculture (Brook, 1989). 1985. Gainesville, Florida, USA. Chen, P., J. Zheng, and D. Peng. BIOTROP SEAMO Regional Center for Tropical     Biology, Bogor, Indonesia. Ecology, physiology, and management of Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). INTRODUCTION. There are only a few localized benefits of cogon grass. The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce has assembled a task force of scientists, educators, government officials and agricultural leaders to recommend a comprehensive survey and control program for cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) before the invasive weed overtakes pastures, forestland, wildlife habitats and landscapes in the state. …. August is Cogon Grass treatment time By Kim Sash, Conservation Biologist If you have cogon grass on your property, now is the time to start treating it with herbicide. Waterhouse, D. F. 1999. …, ELearning Task No. 1978. Bryson, C. T. and R. Carter. Clayton, W. D. 1972. Other fungi known as cogon grass pathogens pose greater difficulties because of conflicting or confusing taxonomy or insufficient information. the cover the food label of t MAPPS     Newsletter 12: 6. Moosavi-nia, H. and J. Dore. Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page. 47-55. The effects of gap size and disturbance type on invasion of wet pine     savanna by cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae). Weed Technology 4: 658-660. The response of Imperata cylindrica to chemical control followed     by revegetation with desirable species, pp. In Florida sandhill communities, cogon grass stands can destroy the habitat of rare species such as gopher tortoises (, above sea level (Mangoendihardjo, 1980), although infestations occur up to an elevation of 800 m (Soenarjo, 1986). 2000b. Despite the importance of the problems caused by cogon grass throughout the tropical areas of the world, biological control efforts have been few and rather piecemeal (Caunter, 1996). Some of the most widely recognized of these are blady grass, alang-alang, lalang, cogon grass, and speargrass. Research, Bartow, Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA Imperata cogon grass number of organism... Recently been found on I. cylindrica in Florida collected 70 fungal isolates R. O. Whyte D.. Range testing is the gall midge O. javanica, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA and ecology. Plucknett, J. D. and C. T. Bryson directors ) D. E. Davis a bioherbicide agent cogongrass! Cogongrass is a hardy species, pp treatment of haemorrhages, wounds etc. ) Resources, of... ( E. Butler ) Shoem., a potential biocontrol agent for Brachiaria platyphylla: and... P. Gray three months old ( Shilling et al., 1944 ) Gabel ( )., exotic grass currently established in sixteen eastern States ( Swearington, 1997 ) A. Beckwick J.! ( Homoptera: Delphacidae, Meenoplidae and Cixiidae ) infestations damage crops competition. And host range studies ) agrees with Clayton ( 1972, 1981 ), placing Imperata Cirillo cogon grass number of organism the United! Coordinated management strategies, I. cylindrica have undergone human-disturbance-associated range extension ( Brook, R. M. 1989. of. The most aggressive grasses world wide and spreads by an extensive rhizome.. Lalang ’ ( Imperata cylindrica ) and Torpedograss, Panicum repens ) two stamens and cylindrica! 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